Friday 27 November 2015

Magazine Advert- Editing update 4

To create the text for the band name, I downloaded a copy of the bands logo then placed it into photoshop. Originally, the text is all black however I wanted to make it more interesting by adding colour, as in my audience feedback they said they liked the text with colour more. 
I used the history brush on a low opacity and selected the colour white. I then gradually made the text lighter so that at the very bottom it was white. This was the result.

 I still felt like this was too boring and I wanted to incorporate more colour into the text so I decided to experiment with blue in the middle and white at the bottom. I thought that blue would be an appropriate colour because blue signifies the cold, which will link to the single, 'Cold Night'. 
However, after doing this I thought that the blue colour stood out too much so I decided to try and incorporate the gold tones within the background the tie to whole image together so I used the 'Eyedropper Tool' to pick the gold colour within the background then I used the history brush again and changed the gradient starting with black and ending with gold. 

I much prefer this colour for the text because it is interesting in the way that the colours and tones change however the colours all still compliment one another well. 

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