Saturday 28 November 2015

Final Digipak

Digipak- Editing update 3

For the colour scheme for my digipak I want the inside images to be black and white and the outside images to be in colour. I needed to ensure that the outside images are of the same tone. 
This is the original image for the shot of the boy but I need to change the colour balance to match the front cover tones. 

Now I have changed the colour balance this is the finished result, the tones of the coloured pages are more similar and they compliment one another a lot better. 

Digipak- Editing update 2

For the image on the back cover, I wanted to link the digipak with the narrative from the music video. The boys phone played a huge part in the narrative so I thought that this would be a good way to present the song list on. So I used the same shot from the music video 
Next I have used the 'Clone Stamp' in Photoshop to remove the texts on the screen and make the background a grey colour. 

Next I have added an overlay of the song list on the screen in the direction that normal texts would read.      

Digipak- Editing update 1

I needed to choose a font for the song list on the back cover. This first font I liked because it looked handwritten and relaxed, giving an alternative impression however I asked an audience member and they said that to them it didn't represent the Rock genre so I needed to find a more appropriate font for the music genre. 

I then decided to use this font for my song list because it looks hand written and relaxed however it is more edgy and represents the Alternative Rock genre better than the previous font. 

Friday 27 November 2015

Completed Magazine Advert

Magazine Advert- Editing Update 5

I have been experimenting with different fonts to go as a subheading on the advert. I was using the website, 'PicMonkey' to do this. 
This first font called, 'Mossy' was too thin and didn't stand out against the background. 

Because the first font was too faint, I chose a more bold one called, 'Chelsea Market'. I asked a peer what they thought of this font compared to the last one and they said that they did prefer it because it was bold however they suggested that I try to find a more edgy font to relate to my music genre, Alternative Rock. 

 This is the final font that I decided to put on my magazine advert called, 'Edo'. It is better because it is sill bold however more edgy and it suits my genre.

Magazine Advert- Editing update 4

To create the text for the band name, I downloaded a copy of the bands logo then placed it into photoshop. Originally, the text is all black however I wanted to make it more interesting by adding colour, as in my audience feedback they said they liked the text with colour more. 
I used the history brush on a low opacity and selected the colour white. I then gradually made the text lighter so that at the very bottom it was white. This was the result.

 I still felt like this was too boring and I wanted to incorporate more colour into the text so I decided to experiment with blue in the middle and white at the bottom. I thought that blue would be an appropriate colour because blue signifies the cold, which will link to the single, 'Cold Night'. 
However, after doing this I thought that the blue colour stood out too much so I decided to try and incorporate the gold tones within the background the tie to whole image together so I used the 'Eyedropper Tool' to pick the gold colour within the background then I used the history brush again and changed the gradient starting with black and ending with gold. 

I much prefer this colour for the text because it is interesting in the way that the colours and tones change however the colours all still compliment one another well. 

Magazine Advert- Editing Update 3

First, in Adobe Photoshop, I adjusted the colour curves of he background to try and make the landscape colours more noticeable whilst still keeping them in a muted palette. 
I adjusted the highlights, brightness, contrast and shadows to get the desired effect. 

However, I still didn't feel like this was surreal enough so I placed the whole image so far into an online editor called, 'PicMonkey'. I then went into 'Textures' then 'Burst' and selected the middle texture. I then experimented with the saturation and fade toolbars until I got the desired effect. 
This is the final background image. I am much more pleased now that I have added this texture over the top because I think I have made the album imagery much more interesting and different because it is surreal, meeting the expectations of my genre. 

Magazine Advert- Editing Update 2

Using Adobe Photoshop, I have added the two faces over the top of the tree and rubbed the background layer to bring the tree through.
As I originally wanted my magazine advert to look surreal I think I need to add an overlay over the top to make it more fantasy like. 

Magazine Advert- Editing Update 1

This is the image that I have taken to be the background tree. It isn't as bare as I hoped but I think that it will blend better with the couples heads as an overlay anyway. 
The colours in the background are muted because I took it at sunset.