Thursday 22 October 2015

Editing Update 8

For the end of the song, as the footage goes out of focus and fades I think that the song should fade too so I have made the music fade.

Editing Update 7

This is a shot of the couple walking together. I wanted to include the whole thing but in a short amount of time so I have put it in fast forward. This looks effective because it is unique and makes the video fun which links to my target audience because they are young and fun. 

Monday 12 October 2015

Editing update 6

I have reversed this clip because it looks better if it goes to the couple from the left. I think this has worked well because it makes more sense to go towards the couple.

Editing Update 5

I have been experimenting with which filter to use on the flashback sections. I want to add a filter so that the audience can clearly see the difference between past and present. 
This is the first filter that I used called, 'Faded Sun'. I do like this filter however I don't know if it will be clear enough to the audience that these shots are flashbacks. 

I have now applied a black and white filter onto the clips which I like a lot more because then the narrative will be more clear to the audience and I need to ensure that my narrative is clear after the feedback I received from my first cut. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Editing Update 4

I have added a 'cross dissolve' transition to introduce the flashback to when the couple were happy in a relationship. I am pleased this transition because I think that the transition is smooth and looks professional. 

Monday 5 October 2015

Editing update 3

I have added stabilisation on the shot where the mid shot of the boy pans out to the right to show an establishing shot. There was a small amount of camera shake which is now resolved due to the stabilisation.