Thursday 30 July 2015

Detailed Planning- Acting Choices

For the main character roles I have chosen a male and female who are both confident with acting and being in front of a camera., to ensure that the production of the video gets completed as efficiently as possible. The girl's boyfriend is another person who is confident to help make the acting more professional.  

I plan to additionally have around 5 extras in the music video for the Manchester filming scene however it hasn't been confirmed who these actors will be because of their availability to come on the filming days. There are no specific details for these actors as long as I have a mixture of male and female actors and they wear casual clothing. 

Male Actor- Jacob Miller- 17

Detailed Planning- Location

I will be filming the time lapse shots on The Roaches, a nearby prominent rocky ridge situated above the market town called Leek and Tittesworth Reservoir in the Peak District of England. Because the location is very high up, I will be able to get unique and interesting shots of the skyline.

I will be filming in Manchester for the first verse and chorus because it is a busy location and it is somewhere where teenagers would socialise.

I will be filming in a house when the boy reads the letter, it will be presented to be his house and I will get a variety of shots of the boy on his own, trying to show him thinking about his relationship with the girl. 

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Detailed Planning- Equipment for filming

Detailed Planning- props

I will need to use a car for the scene when the girl is driving to try and get some alternative and interesting shots.

I will make a letter for the boy to read in the kitchen from the girl. I have decided to include a letter within my narrative to create questions for the audience because it will make the narrative more interesting and unique. This links to my genre of Alternative Rock and alternative music is different and unusual, which will mean that I am meeting the codes and conventions of the genre.

Detailed Planning- Costume

The costume will be casual wear for all scenes however I need to ensure that the boy and girl both wear different things on the different filming days.

I will be styling the girl in a leather jacket because stereotypically, leather jackets connote danger. So, because I am trying to represent her character as the unfaithful antagonist, I have chosen for her to wear black leather.