Saturday 27 June 2015

Survey Monkey Results

Survey Results and Analysis

The results above show that the most preferred music genre tied between Rock and Punk Rock music. However, these are the types of music the individual prefers rather than the narrative or conventions of the music, which are the areas I will mostly be focusing on to create my product.
From the results above, the strongest narrative was the one about two best friends and the challenges they face together. I think that this could be because the other two narratives are much darker. This however makes me question whether a Rock genre song would be too dark also because Punk Rock and Alternative Rock music can have lighter narrative themes.

The themes that the people who filled in my survey prefer are meaningful but upbeat. I am sure now that the Rock genre would be too dark and hard for this kind of narrative. It needs to be meaningful so quite indie or alternative like.
Overall, people prefer multiple locations not just filming in one single location. This is because it is much more boring and simple filming in one location so i would have to work a lot harder to make it a good product focusing on the other aspects not just location.
Personally, I want to film in different locations because it will make my filming time more enjoyable because i won't befitting in the same location for a really long time.
However, I do want to only do around 2-4 locations because it may seem odd if I feature lots of locations because I want there to be links within the characters withy location. I don't want to feature random locations with no meaning.

From this question I now know that I need to include a strong narrative, a variety of shots, and upbeat editing. People also said that they expect to see the artist/band featured however, I have thought about this and I think it can will be incredibly difficult to include the artist/band because I cannot film the actual artist so I will have to get actors to play them. Then this could look incredibly unprofessional and it may be hard to show who they are. I would rather focus on making a strong and meaningful narrative.

The song that the audience like the most is Cold Night by You Me At Six. The percentage is much higher than the other two songs therefore I will most likely choose this song. The results for this question contrast with Question 1 because overall the audience said that they least like the 'Alternative Rock' genre however this song is from this genre. 

Potential Ideas- Audience Survey

I have created a survey using the website 'SurveyMonkey'. Creating an online survey will help me to get feedback from a wide variation of audiences not from in my class or college. I will use the feedback to help me make important production decisions for the creation of my music video.